Friday, April 17, 2009

Fat Flush Egg Salad

Fat Flush Egg Salad

Ok guys, here's the last post of the Fat Flush because today is my last day doing it! I know ya'll don't come here for bland cleanse food so I promise to have some treat for you really soon. However, this salad was actually not bland at all. It is actually what helped me get through the day yesterday! The original recipe calls for the egg salad to be stuffed into a tomato which I am sure would have been very cute, but I only had the little tomatoes and as I have already blown most of my recent paycheck at TJs, I decided to make do with what I had. Besides, the recipe said to serve the tomato and egg with leafy greens. I'm pretty sure I am not supposed to have Dijon on the flush, but to hell with it. It definitely helped kick up the flavor and surprisingly, the raw garlic was not overwhelming. This is totally something I would eat regardless of the cleanse. Thanks for baring with me and for all your words of encouragement for doing this. It's just not for me, but I am glad I tried it for at least a little bit.

It's gonna be hot, hot, hot here in LA this weekend. I hope you enjoy yours, wherever you are.

Egg Salad on Spinach
(Adapted from The Fat Flush Plan)

2 eggs, hard-boiled
1 1/2 teaspoons flaxseed oil
1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1/2 scallion, minced
1 small garlic clove, minced
Pinch of cayenne
Pinch of salt
2 hanfuls baby spinach
Handful of grape tomatoes, halved

1 1/2 teaspoons flaxseed oil
1 1/2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice

Mix oil, vinegar, mustard, scallions, garlic, salt and cayenne with the eggs. Toss the spinach and tomatoes with the dressing and serve the egg salad over the spinach.


  1. Looks good to me! I've been making hard boiled eggs this whole month and eating the whites for breakfast. So tasty!

  2. This could be something I could have for lunch any day of the week. It looks really delicious and not bad at all for a cleaning period!

  3. this actually looks good, I mean there is some flavor in this, so yeah I'm up for stuffing some of this and the veggies into some warm sourdough bread. lol
    have a good & fun weekend chicklet!

  4. That is something I would eat. Looks healthy and really good.

  5. I love the use of apple cider vinegar and dijon in this -- cleanse be darned! I might need to try this. :) On some uncleanse-esque whole wheat bread!

    Happy Friday! Hope you get out early today!

  6. This needs not be called diet food at all: it seems like a perfectly satisfying lunch! I like the colours in your photos too, very vibrant. I'm sure I could have eggs every day, so tasty, so versatile!
    Have a good weekend :)

  7. Wonderful colors and a perfect egg salad! Have a great weekend!

  8. This salad is really good...just had some more for lunch! I may keep it on my regular rotation for a quick, easy meal.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  9. If this is what cleanse food looks like, I might actually be able to do one! I usually add lemon juice to my egg salad but I like your addition of apple cider vinegar.

  10. Though I like my egg salad dripping with mayo on white toast...I have to say this looks good!

  11. oh that egg salad looks simple and good! esp. perfect since many people probably have hardboiled eggs left over from easter!

  12. It looks spicy and delicious! I would be satisfied with that. Keep cool and have a great weekend!

  13. That looks really good - so many flavourful things in the egg salad.

  14. mmm this is delicious. I can't wait to eat. Thanks for recipe.


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