Thursday, October 8, 2009

Double Chocolate Bitter Brownies

Double Chocolate Bitter Brownies

Back in August (doesn't that seem SO long ago?), I was contacted by Xagave about sampling their brand of agave nectar. I enjoy cooking with alternative sweeteners and it's been a while since I have used them so I thought it would be a good opportunity. I uncovered the nectar and cookbook in my move and thumbed through quickly to see what I could make with what I had on hand. These brownies caught my eye immediately. I have to admit, I was a little doubtful about replacing all of the sugar in this recipe with agave. I should not have worried. These brownies came out thick and fudgy and really not too sweet at all. Instead of nuts, I added chocolate chips to make these a bit more rich and I used regular all-purpose flour because I was out of whole wheat. They would have gone great with some ice cream but I haven't had a chance yet to pick some up (or make some). They seemed to be a hit when I shared them at work too. To learn more about Xagave's brand of organic agave nectar, click here and to find out more of the health benefits of agave nectar, click here.

Double Chocolate Bitter Brownies
(From the Delicious Meets Nutritious Cookbook from Xagave)

Makes 9 brownies

1/2 cup butter
2/3 cup agave nectar
2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
2/3 cup flour (can also use whole wheat flour)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup semi sweet chocolate chips

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Grease and lightly flour an 8x8 baking pan.

Melt the butter in a microwave. Set aside to cool slightly. In a medium bowl, whisk together the agave nectar and cocoa powder until smooth. Whisk in the eggs, vanilla, and cooled butter.

In a small bowl, mix the flour, baking powder, and salt. Mix the flour mixture into the cocoa mixture and then fold in the chocolate chips. Bake 25-30 minutes until the edges begin to pull away from the sides of the pan.

Printable Recipe


  1. I've never cooked with agave. I did link to the site you recommended and now I'm curious. I'll have to try your recipe.

  2. mmmm they look super fudge like and delicious! I need to start playing more with sugar alternatives.

  3. In terms of calories, is the agave nectar lower than regular sugar?

  4. Double chocolate = double yes!!! I hope you have some left over.

  5. i've also never baked with agave... but they look amazing.

  6. I see you are fully back in that kitchen! Looks great.

  7. god those look good. i love dark/bitter chocolate! such a sophisticated taste :)

  8. So that's what you had for breakfast the other day! Sounds like a meal of champions to me! :)

  9. agave has health benefits? I did not know this. so these are healthy brownies then? LOL Cool!

  10. Those brownies look so chocolatey! I've had good success with agave nectar as well!

  11. Esi, you know the way to win me over, chocolate brownies. I haven't tried the agave nectar yet, but have heard some good reviews. Maybe I'll pick up bottle and try it.

  12. wow, those look incredible. i've been meaning to do more with agave, and this sounds like a great product!

  13. I have a bottle of the Xagave too. I haven't baked anything yet, but I've been putting a drizzle on my Greek yogurt. It is very sweet. These brownies look so fudgy. Just the way I like them. I needed a little push to bake with it!

  14. brownies from scratch? that's just crazy :) I only make boxed ones and add stuff to them.

    think you can bring these to san francisco? please?

  15. Agave nectar is all new to me. Never seen it. You surely made great brownies with it.

  16. Brownies are my favorite treat. Love the use of agave!

  17. How interesting! I keep hearing about agave, I need to actually get around to trying it one of these days. Your brownies look divine, Esi!!


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