Thursday, May 13, 2010

Baked Doughnuts

Baked Doughnuts

If you find yourself with a little bit of extra time this weekend, make these doughnuts. They are super easy and can be prepared the night before and then baked off just before you want to eat them. Then you can come back and thank me. Who doesn't love doughnuts? Unfortunately they are not so friendly towards the daily diet with their deep fried fattiness. This baked version is definitely lightened up, but as with any baked goods, you should definitely go easy on them. Although it is understandably difficult to stay away from them. Especially when they are just so wonderfully soft and just sweet enough. Next time I want to try these with different glazes, but I loved the crunchy cinnamony texture of the cinnamon sugar. I can't wait to make these treats again!

Baked Doughnuts
(From Apricosa and 101 Cookbooks)

Makes a lot of 3-inch doughnuts

For the doughnuts
2/3 cup warm milk, 95 to 105 degrees (divided)
1 1/4 teaspoons active dry yeast
1 tablespoons butter
1/3 cup sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for kneading
1/8 teaspoon freshly-grated nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon fine grain sea salt

1/2 cup milk
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons cinnamon
Place 1/3 cup of the warm milk in the bowl of an electric mixer. Stir in the yeast and let sit for five minutes until the yeast gets foamy. Meanwhile, stir the butter into the remaining warm milk to melt it. Add the remaining milk, butter, sugar, egg, flour, nutmeg, and salt to the yeast and mix together with the paddle attachment, then switch to the dough hook and continue mixing until dough is smooth and pulling away from the sides of the bowl, adding more flour if dough is sticky or more milk if too dry.

Turn dough out onto a lightly-floured surface and knead a few times (dough should be barely sticky), shape into a ball and place in an oiled boil, turning to coat the dough with oil. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1-2 hours.

Punch dough down and roll it out onto a lightly-floured surface to 1/2-inch thickness. Cut out 3-inch circles and transfer them to parchment-lined cookie sheets. Then cut out 1 1/2-inch circles from the centers. Loosely cover the donuts with plastic wrap.

At this point, you may either let the donuts rise for 45 minutes and proceed to bake them, or refrigerate them overnight. After refrigeration, let donuts rise 1 hour in a warm place. Bake at 375 degrees just until donuts take on a golden tinge, about 8-10 minutes.

While donuts are baking, pour the 1/2 cup milk into one bowl and mix the sugar and cinnamon in another.

As soon as the donuts are done, dip the tops of the donuts in the milk and then press into the cinnamon sugar. Work quickly to finish this while the donuts are still hot (the heat will melt the sugar slightly, helping it to stick and form a divine crunchy layer). Serve donuts warm from the oven

Printable Recipe


  1. Ow! Baked doughnuts?? I've never made doughnuts. We have family coming into town soon- maybe I will try them then!

  2. Wow. I am impressed, those don't look baked at all. Perhaps I'll have to try these sometime. I made donuts once in their deep fried glory for a bake sale. They were delicious but so fatty that they never showed up in my kitchen again. These look delish.

  3. I bet Nastassia is clapping her hands in excitement right now.

    I am too. :)

  4. I must try this! I've never baked them and am really curious now! They look delicious!

  5. Oh these look wonderful! Yum! I've got a house guest coming soon who would LOVE these for breakfast!

  6. This is a fun one to cook for visiting family or friends. That way you can have a taste and fill up everybody else on the leftovers. :)

  7. Ooo...this is a nice alternative to the fried stuff. But I don't know if i could forego the latter for baked. But I will give them a try just because I'm a sucker for baked stuff.

  8. that could be very decadent weekend :)

  9. I love that we can bake these up as we crave them! Delightful baked doughnuts! xo

  10. Have I told you it's getting to where I can recognize your photos without even seeing your name! That is the mark of an artist... GREG

  11. omg just made these in pastry school last week! SOOOOOOOOOO FREAKING YUMMY

  12. Whoa I love that these babies are baked! Now I won't feel so guilty about eating five of them :P

  13. a big old bag of these with morning coffee. what a perfect way to start the day. we can eat these outside in the sun, by the pool. ok? lol

  14. I've been wanting to make baked doughnuts...a much less-guilty treat! These look great!!!

  15. i could go for doughnuts right now :) and love you can make them ahead of time!

  16. I have been craving doughnuts for way too long, but don't want to fry anything. This looks like the perfect recipe!

  17. I definitely would not be able to stay away! I love that they're baked and that you can prep them the night before!

  18. Just made a donut recipe today...uuhhhmmm I have not seen a donut recipe with Yeast, interesting....

  19. I have never baked donuts before, but if they turn out like that, I have to try them. They look perfect and delicious!

  20. Oh yes! Baked doughnuts that can be prepped ahead? That means I can have them for breakfast..he he he he

  21. I've always wanted to make doughnuts, but I'm terrified of that boiling oil! These look delicious, without the threat of burning my arm off! A win-win!

  22. me and dry active yeast don't seem to get along :( but i will give these donuts another try because god knows i want them in my belly! if not you will just have to make them for me :)

  23. I only have a hand mixer but I will give it a try!


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