Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spinach and Strawberry Salad with Thyme Vinaigrette

Spinach and Strawberry Salad with Thyme Vinaigrette

I know you have heard me say this a lot over the past couple of days, but it's been hot, ya'll. Seriously. So hot that Diana didn't even feel like blogging because who really feels like eating anything but frozen goods when it's 100 degrees out? The other night when I got home, I wanted to do nothing more than crash in the comfort of my air conditioned apartment, but unfortunately I had a mountain of laundry waiting for me. My magic fairy had forgotten to take care of it while I spent the previous day cooling off on the beach so I can tell you it was a rockin' Monday night. Luckily, there was a new episode of Gossip Girl to keep me entertained in between. Since I am not a fan of starving myself ever, I needed something easy for dinner that night. There was no way I was going to stand over a stove waiting for something to cook so I made this salad. The original recipe calls for infusing the olive oil with the thyme, but that required stove time and I was not in the mood. I opted for just whisking the ingredients together and hoping for the best. Luckily, my gamble paid off. As I so recently discovered, strawberries and thyme go very well together and with the cool spinach it was a perfect no-cook dinner. The balsamic and Dijon in the dressing gave it a bit of tang so this was in no way a boring salad. The dressing recipe makes more than you will need for a serving of one, so luckily I was able to enjoy another salad for lunch yesterday.

We're finally going to get some relief from the heat. Good thing too because I was about to pack my bags and move to Alaska (or somewhere less hot...). Happy Earth Day!

Spinach and Strawberry Salad with Thyme Vinaigrette
(Adapted from the Los Angeles Times)

Makes 2-3 servings

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme leaves
1 tablespoon white balsamic vinegar
1/4 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1/2 small shallot, finely minced
Kosher salt and black pepper to taste
1-2 large handfuls baby spinach leaves, roughly chopped
Most of a pint of strawberries, washed, hulled and sliced

In a small bowl whisk together the olive oil, thyme, Dijon and balsamic vinegar. Stir in the shallots and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Divide the spinach among plates and top with sliced strawberries. Spoon the dressing over each plate.


  1. you and your heat. gah. those strawberries look beyond amazing...

  2. happy earth day!
    i love the bright red strawberries with that salad.

    it's been SO, SO hot, too - i hope it gets cooler!

  3. Spinach and strawberries are such a great combo, the nutty bite of spinach just pairs so well with the sweet, juicy tang of strawberries. This salad looks so healthy and light, the colours are great! Perfect lunch!

  4. mmmmm so glad strawberries are in season- they're so yummy with spinach too! Great salad. Embrace and love the heat ;)

  5. I could have totally used this on Monday night. I think my imprudent decision to eat TJ's meatless meatballs that night was part of the reason I couldn't stand the thought of food on Tuesday!

    Looks supeeerb. I love strawberries in salads, and I'm really curious to try out that thyme/strawberry combo!

  6. we are going to be getting what you guys just had....that batch of hot weather is on it's way to us! we aren't going to get 100, more like 80, but I will take it as I'm still thawing.
    but having a strawberry salad was a smart thing to do, and you definitely kicked it up a few notches.

  7. That salad is so, so pretty! Yup, it's definitely been a week for a nice cool salad around here. Toasty!

  8. This is the perfect salad for a hot day. It's bright and refreshing and best of all-no cooking involved! Happy Earth Day!

  9. I like herbs with my fruit. Today I put basil with pears. Your salad looks really refreshing, perfect for spring.

  10. strawberries and thyme is such a natural combo. and i love the homemade vinaigrette!

  11. Looks perfect for a hot day! Strawberry and thyme sound fantastic together!

  12. Spring is here!! Well, at least your salad makes it feel that way.

    I wish I lived where you do, because I'd much rather the heat than what we're having in Boston right now!! It is just frigid right now, or at least it feels that way. Where is spring!??

  13. Salads like these are perfect Spring fare!


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