"Guess where I'm going right now?” I said. "Where?” she answered back. "To Blogger Prom", I replied. "Stop making up words", was my mom's answer when I told her where I was heading last Wednesday night. Truthfully, that was the answer I got from many people so it just made me laugh harder. Last year, I was too busy working to have a life so I was unable to attend the 80s themed prom at the Andaz in West Hollywood. This year, I rsvp'ed with a yes the second I was invited. I knew I wouldn't miss the opportunity again. For two weeks I stressed about what to wear to the 40s glamor night that was the theme this year to be held high up in the Hollywood hills at Yamashiro restaurant. I finally settled on a simple black dress with a shiny clip in my hair.
I was starving once I arrived at the gorgeous venue, but instead of going straight for the food, I tried a scotch tasting. Next time, I'll know better. I ended up having to stand in a long line to try Chef Brock's miso cod and duck tacos, but it was worth it. Just to ensure I was really full, I went for a heaping helping of the Cheese Impresario's cheese which included the much talked about "cheese sex"... a spreadable, brie like cheese paired with cashew brittle. As weird as it sounds, it was so good!
One of my favorite things about prom was the giant screen highlighting the Twitter feed of all Blogger Prom related tweets. I also got to spend some time with many blogging friends that I've met over the past year and meet a whole bunch of new people. I had even more time to do just that at the after party at Test Kitchen. But it's hard to stay out late on a school night so I had to send myself home at a semi-reasonable hour.
Many, many thanks to the Blogger Prom committee (HC, Esther, Lindsay, Caroline, Maya, Natalie, Tara, and Marni) without which, the evening would not have not been possible. I'm already looking forward to dressing up next year and celebrating our blogging awesomeness. It was a fun night which I paid for the next day, but it was well worth it!