It's my blog's 5th birthday, so I thought I would celebrate and also by
posting more than once in a month. Blogging sure has changed since this first post, but I do still enjoy capturing delicious recipes and sharing
restaurant finds. I can't say I'll ever get back to a regular posting
schedule, but I do hope that those readers who have stuck around
continue to do so, because there is still so much tastiness to share.
I've had some incredible experiences and made wonderful friends through
my tiny space on the internet, and I'll treasure that forever. Stay tuned, because I really do plan on posting more than once this month. I'll have a wonderful giveaway or two soon and I will share some more restaurant deliciousness. In case you don't follow me on Twitter or Facebook (and really, what is your excuse?), I am also writing for My Daily Find Chicago. So once again, thanks for sticking around for these five fun years and cheers to more fun.
This cake was first introduced to me via White on Rice Couple, but it has been making the rounds on the internet. You can find the recipe I followed, here.