Monday, December 5, 2011

Persimmon-Goat Cheese Wedges

Persimmon-Goat Cheese Wedges

Yes, I'm still talking about Thanksgiving, but this is the last post. I promise. I made these little wedges to go with the turnovers as an appetizer. They are super simple and a great way to use up the remaining herbed goat cheese that didn't go in the roasted beet salad. As I discovered at Ombra, sweet persimmons go well with a tangy cheese and this was no exception.

One year ago: Roasted Pumpkin Soup with Shrimp, Farro, and Leeks
Two years ago: Pasta with Shaved Brussels Sprouts and Bacon
Three years ago: Parmesan Thyme Crackers

Persimmon-Goat Cheese Wedges
(Adapted from Food & Wine, December 2006)

Makes 12 servings

1/2 cup rosemary marcona almonds, finely chopped
4 ounces herbed goat cheese, softened
4 Fuyu persimmons, sliced crosswise, 1/4-inch thick
Aged balsamic vinegar for serving

In a small bowl, mix 1/4 cup of the almonds with the goat cheese. Divide the mixture into 6 equal pieces and roll each piece into a ball.

Use a 2-inch biscuit cutter to cut out 12 rounds from the persimmons.

Sandwich each goat cheese ball between two persimmon slices, pressing to flatten slightly. Roll the edges in the remaining almonds and refrigerate until firm, at least 10 minutes or overnight.

Cut each round into quarters and transfer to a plate. Serve the wedges drizzled with aged balsamic.

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Pam said...

Yum! I have to try this---love that goat cheese and can imagine how good it is with persimmons!

Kelly said...

Love it. I have a weird fear of persimmons, but I can definitely get behind anything that uses goat cheese, so perhaps these should convince me to dabble with it a bit.

vanillasugarblog said...

girl you talk about whatever you want to.
persimmons are hard to find here, i know they are in abundance there. looks fab totes!

lynn said...

beautiful! i thought they were salmon at first...

Joanne said...

I LOVE persimmons and am always looking for new ways to eat them! The sweet with the tangy is a fabulous idea.

marla said...

Such an original & fabulous appetizer idea :)

Unknown said...

oh wow, i don't know that I would've come up with that! good thing you're here ;) I usually just puree them... need to find me some more persimmons to give these a try :)

Mary Bergfeld said...

These really sound delicious. I am new to your blog so I've taken some time to browse through your earlier posts. I'm so glad I did that. I really like the food and recipes you share with your readers and I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Anonymous said...

persimmons and goat cheese go soooo well together!!! This is a great idea, little sandwichy wedges!

Christopher McDonald said...

Good God, these look amazing! Ugh! I'm so hungry now.

Let Me Eat Cake said...

those are beautiful! i don't even like persimmons but the combo of flavors sounds enticing!

Banana Wonder said...

These are STUNNING! I have never seen such a snack before. Must make. Will this be your grilled cheese entry perhaps :p?

Heather Christo said...

What a lovely appetizer, and so incredibly creative to use the persimmon!

Esi said...

Hi Christopher, you found my blog :) It's my goal in life to make people hungry (and then feed them)