At last month's Foodbuzz party, we discussed how we could make a similar event happen again. And soon. What better reason to have a party than Raul's birthday? We also decided it would be an (almost) end of summer party since the summer is quickly winding down (although the heat is just beginning to hit us). I did a few searches of some of my favorite sites and put together a Cuban inspired menu. Now before people go getting all in a tizz, this is a Cuban inspired meal. Not all of the recipes are authentically Cuban and many of them got their own Dishing Up Delights twist. It was exhausting, yet so much fun to plan this party.
The table with some of the food.
An interesting take on the Cubano sandwich.
Ham Croquettes were crispy on the outside and full of creamy ham goodness on the inside.
Vaca frita with a tad healthier spin.
These black beans were so flavorful and a great accompaniment to the vaca frita.
Cilantro Lime Rice which is better than what you get at Chipotle.
Originally I had planned on making tostones, but we decided to go the easier route of making plantain chips.
Grilled Cuban (but mostly Mexican) corn.
The piece de resistance...the Cuban Opera Cake. It's a little lopsided, but it's the best (and most successful) layered cake I have ever made.
We're all in the background, singing.
Blowing out the candles
Having fun!
Look at those layers
I had sooo much fun planning this. A million thank yous to the birthday boy for being my sous chef and letting me take over his birthday party with all the food. All the recipes will be posted over the coming week so stay tuned!